Other Resources
Free Online Courses
- Introduction to Haptics, Allison Okamura, Stanford University
- Psychophysics course materials, Hong Z. Tan, Purdue
- Computer Haptics, Sonny Chan, University of Calgary – The course focuses on haptic rendering
- The technology of touch, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, TED Talk
- Touch, engineered, Allison Okamura, TEDx Talks
- How to design haptic experiences, Oliver Schneider, IROS 2020
- Taking haptics out of the lab and into the wild, Jeremy Cooperstock, IROS 2020
- Codesigning a full-page tactile display: What we know and what we don’t know yet, Sile O’Modhrain, IROS 2020
Haptics Websites
- Haptipedia: https://haptipedia.org/
- CHAI3D: https://www.chai3d.org/
- Hapkit: https://hapkit.stanford.edu/
- WoodHaptics: http://woodenhaptics.org/
- Simple Haptics: http://www.simplehaptics.se/
- Penn Haptic Texture Toolkit: https://www.grasp.upenn.edu/projects/penn-haptic-texture-toolkit
- VibViz: http://hastiseifi.com/VibViz/
- Macaron: http://hapticdesign.github.io/macaron/
- Designing Digital Touch: https://www.in-touch-ucl.design/
DDT is a card-based toolkit that helps designers put touch at the centre of their thinking and research. DDT can be used in all stages of the design process. - Hapticlabs.io: https://www.hapticlabs.io/ Short haptic tutorials and a vibrotactile design toolkit
- https://haptics.substack.com/
Related Websites
- Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/
- Soft Robotics Toolkit: https://softroboticstoolkit.com/
- Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/
- Basics of physical computing: https://makeabilitylab.github.io/physcomp/
Let us know about other relevant haptics resources.
Hey! This is Ashley from Haptics Club and TITAN Haptics. I created a Haptics-dedicated newsletter that I wanted to share with your audience. I went looking for a newsletter on haptics and couldn’t find one, so I made it. Each month I share a round-up of the latest news, products, patents, and resources.
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for sharing the link. We have included it in the resource section. Please let us know if, in the future, you decide not to continue the newsletter. That way we can make sure that LearnHaptics has active links.